If you have had one ear on the news this week then you will be aware that Mr Cameron has given the cabinet a major reshuffle. Although one major piece of news regarding energy has almost gone almost unnoticed. With two new environmental ministers opposing green energy. But where does this leave us and what knock on effect is this going to have in relation to our energy future? The newly appointed environmental minister Mathew Hancock opposed wind farm subsidies only last year claiming that wind turbines were 'destroying out natural environment'. He even wrote a letter to David Cameron back in 2012 insisting that subsidies should be cut back. Whilst also slamming the erection of wind turbines around his home governing body in Suffolk, complaining that the visual impacts of the turbines were unacceptable in the rural area of Suffolk. Perhaps mission the large frame altogether. The second addition to the environmental ministers is Elizabeth Truss who surprisingly claimed that renewable were harming the economy? whilst also dismissing clean renewable energy as ludicrously expensive and spoke out at how much of a devastating impact it would have to the UK economy. Yes it gets even worse. Rewinding back to 2009 Elizabeth claimed that many politicians were increasingly becoming obsessed with green tech which could implement a dire knock on effect to the UK's energy infrastructure. She spoke about the green deal as 'vasts amounts of taxpayers money being spent to subsidies uneconomic activity'. Research has shown otherwise. The London School of Economics has made it clear that green policies will NOT harm economic growth. Elizabeth unsurprisingly gave no evidence to back up her claims. My Electric Radiators aim to bring you the very latest energy news and views from right across Britain. They also supply energy efficient electric heating systems and are passionate about researching and developing the most ground breaking technologies which they believe will make significant impacts to consumer households and commercial buildings. My Electric Radiators aim to help decrease you carbon footprint and further reduce your energy bills. For further information on on their selection of energy efficient electric radiators then call them today on 01423 881167 for advise.