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Clean energy

  1. Could a new renewable technology power your electric heating system?

    Could a new renewable technology power your electric heating system?
    Renewable electricity generation swiftly overtook coal in Q3 of 2015 tipping to 23.5 per cent. A majority of which was accumulated by Solar and wind turbines. The question is are there more efficient approaches unturned? Of course there is! Like any technology there is a continuous cycle of groundbreaking materials and design built using pre-existing materials and technologies to create...
  2. David Attenborough backs clean energy research

    David Attenborough backs clean energy research
    The English broadcaster and naturalist claims that an Apollo styled race to the moon could hold back climate change. A race to assemble renewable energy infrastructure at a cheaper cost to fossil fuels has been credited by the well respected Sir David Attenborough. Sir Attenborough maintains that by ensuring renewable energy is lower in price to fossil fuels, this alone...
  3. Renewable energy auctions depleting clean energy prices?

    Renewable energy auctions depleting clean energy prices?
    The program works through inviting bids in exchange for contracts for renewable energy developers. Inevitably the lowest bidders usually capture government backing. As a result developers are having their hands forced into offering the most efficient economy projects, as they are fully aware that only these schemes will progress. Only very recently IRENA published a report labeled Renewable Energy Auctions...
  4. Worldwide Apollo scheme intends to construct clean energy more competitively priced than coal

    Worldwide Apollo scheme intends to construct clean energy more competitively priced than coal
    There is exciting news to combat climate change through an almost duplication race as it was with countries competing to place the first man on the moon. The program which launched a week ago now endeavours to funnel billions of us dollars into research and development which conceivably will provide renderable energy that all but needed commercial leap. The Program...

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