With the enormous surge in popularity of installing solar panels experts claim that most have been fitted facing in the wrong direction. An expensive outlay in todays climate to have such a simple dilemma limiting performance. Professor Ralph Gottshalg of Loughborough University explains too many solar panels are facing in the wrong direction. Germany has far too many solar panels which is why its grid is disturbed on sunny days at midday in a hike of solar power so cheap it virtually has to be given away. Gottshalg is hoping that the UK will follow in Germany's footsteps in policy placing panels to the east west facing roofs to smooth out the supply of power throughout the day and prevent sudden hikes in power at lunchtimes. Of course most Installers and Architects in the UK believe that with majority of sunlight coming from the south it's only practical to position solar panels pointing this way so that they absorb the maximum amount of exposure to sunlight when possible. Although in theory you might agree experts claim otherwise. Winding back to November, American scientists discovered that panels pointing west might actually absorb more energy from the sunlight at more practical times. The research was carried out by the Pecan Street Research Institute whereby they studied solar panels in Texas. Scientists concluded that once solar panels were facing west they were able to provide more electricity daily. Whilst also providing more electricity during the afternoon once power grids usually experience peak in demand.  Although the increase was only minute, being just 2% this would definitely add up in due course over the years. Solar panels are constructed from photovoltaic PV cells that are formed in a semi conducting material most likely being silicon. When sunlight reaches the layered cells it created an electric field. Obviously the stronger the sunlight the more energy is produced. My Electric Radiators are constantly providing the latest groundbreaking UK energy news. They also supply eco designer electric radiators providing optimum energy saving performance, saving you money on your energy bills. To find out more information in relation to their energy saving central heating systems then call them today on 01423 881167 or send them an email to [email protected]