In the UK a majority of our electricity is generated from burning ‘dirty’ fossil fuels including oil, gas and coal. This in itself contributes to one of the most harmful effects on climate change. Over recent times, encouragingly we have overseen our energy make up shifting towards a far greater and greener carbon free structure year on year. Back in December 2015 the first legally binding global climate deal set at Paris climate conference which consisted of 195 countries. The conference claimed a celebratory atmosphere with heart felt speeches form Leonardo DiCaprio. Leaders and Scientists both concurred that the measures still fall short of the 1.5C to 2C restricted temperature increase.

Carbon free electricity

Carbon free electricity sources include nuclear, wind, solar, hydro and biomass. Impressively in 2016, carbon free renewable electricity produced just over a quarter of Great Britain’s electricity mix. Nearly all UK energy suppliers now offer a ‘green’ electricity tariff, these are offered to customers that wish to help support renewable energy. While you may be thinking that the price increase per kWh will be immense in comparison to fossil fuel generated electricity then you will be mistaken. Currently a leading renewable based electricity supplier offers as standard a 33% supply of renewable electricity tariff at 12.38p per kWh and a 100% renewable electricity tariff at just 14.31p per kWh. It costs less than 2p extra per kWh to obtain your properties energy through a 100% renewable electricity supply. Green electricity is expanding year on year, this is owing to various policies including the Renewable Obligation and feed in tariffs.

What is the Renewable Obligation?

The Renewable Obligation also known as (RO) is a system intended to assist and support large scale renewable electricity production. In essence the RO places a responsibility for all electricity companies to exercise a percentage of it’s electricity supply that we consume from renewable origins. Every supplier in England, Scotland and Wales is included under the program. It is the Governments department of Energy and Climate Change that prescribes the Renewable Obligation that UK energy companies must adhere to annually.

Electric radiators have come on leaps and bounds over the last few years

Electric radiators have come a long way from the days of being ‘expensive to run’. Efficiency in a new generation of electric radiators is so superlative that many UK households are in fact switching from traditional Gas heating to a state of the art electric heating system. Through taking advantage of energy efficient electric radiators which demand a reduced operating consumption of electricity. During Winter of course heating our properties is one of our biggest energy expenditures, nevertheless we can look to reduce our UK demand for electricity through highly developed low consumption electrical appliances.

How green are green tariffs?

Choosing a ‘green electricity tariff’ won’t necessarily mean that all of the electricity that you purchase is entirely carbon neutral. However a green tariff can issue added stimulus towards energy efficiency including carbon savings and brand new renewable production. Back in 2010 a Green Energy Supply Certification Scheme was born to offer assurance to UK consumers that ‘green tariffs’ had met three major principles imposed by Ofgem’s criteria which included the following:

  • All electricity traded must be matched with renewable energy - This required members to carry adequate Renewable Energy Guarantees Of Origin in order to cover the entirety of usage amongst customers on green electricity tariffs.

  • Tariffs must be administered via an independent advisory whom enforce rules on transparency

  • Lastly that the tariff brought extra environmental advantages - Which included energy efficiency schemes whereby measures to produce a minimum annual saving of 50kg Co2 per customer.

Running electric radiators from solar panels

If your property is lucky enough to be fitted with solar panels then a fantastic benefit to this is of course a self sufficient electricity supply. Remember that any surplus electricity can be sold back into the grid. As a result of installing your property with energy efficient electric radiators it’s possible for you to reduce your properties energy demand through their developed low energy consumption electric heating. From the natural solar electricity that your property produces it’s possible to directly utilise this to heat your home effectively carbon free. But what makes electric radiators so energy efficient? Over recent years technologies have advanced, thermostats have been highly developed, capable of monitoring temperatures to within a segment of a degree limiting any wasted energy. Models such as the SlimPro also feature 24 hour seven day time and temperature programming whereby individual radiators and rooms can be programmed around your schedule creating potential for even further savings.

If you are considering upgrading to the latest energy efficient electric heating systems to run in conjunction with solar panels. Or perhaps your merely researching how electric radiators can benefit you, then please don’t hesitate to contact one of our electric heating experts today on 01423 619303 for a free no obligation heating consultation.