The truth is there are plenty of variables to account for and without gaining further insight into the makeup of your property and your individual lifestyle It can be awkward to gauge. Heating instruments such as energy efficient electric radiators posses the ability to save you considerable amounts of money when utilised in the appropriate manner. So what exactly do I need need to consider? My Electric Radiators always ask for significant details such as room measurements, current grade of insulation, ceiling heights Technology has advanced so much that it is now an entirely viable option to opt for an electric heating system over the old gas boiler system. That said even if gas prices continue to fluctuate the way they are, it’s inevitable that electric heating is certain to be appointed as a British standard right across properties throughout the UK. What type of controllability do I really need? Instantly this is quite possibly the most important element to evaluate when selecting the right heating solution for your requirements. Despite the sort of property you occupy, control is fundamental into the savings which can be made. Remember that with an old gas boiler system your radiators contain water filled radiators that switch on and off everywhere. Perhaps you’ve a thermostatic dial installed to the side of each unit and it’s likely that you can turn individual units off when not in operation, however it’s likely you will be controlling your heating from one central panel. Although in theory this might sound like the most appropriate solution, however when it comes to saving energy it is adversary. It could be that your feeling chilly in the lounge the first thing that comes to mind is to turn the heating on. Naturally when you turn the heating on you in actual fact for the most part kick start the entire heating system warming up the entire property. In the company of an electric radiator such as our award winning Slimpro, you will be intelligent to set each and every radiator on it’s own schedule. When you occupy a certain room that you feel requires more heat simply bump up the heat by a couple of degrees. Simple and economic. Is my Insulation sufficient? Period property? Fundamentally your room dimensions and the level of insulation within your home will quantify what wattage you require to heat your space coherently. For example if you have a large room but only a 500 watt radiator (smallest wattage model) then the unit will be operating at full capacity and still not providing efficient heat for the same placing an enormous strain onto the unit whilst also costing a large proportion more to run. If however you select the correct size radiator you’ll discover that the thermostat works in harmony whilst your radiator can have time to flick off and save energy, whilst only topping up the heat in the room  infrequently when appropriate.


My Electric Radiators are here to provide you with the most up to date energy news and perspectives right across the UK. They also supply energy efficient electric heating systems which utilise groundbreaking technology helping towards energy reduction within your property whilst also reducing your carbon footprint. If your intrigued by wall mounted electric heaters then why not call today on 01423 881167 for a free heating evaluation.