I went along to the fracking protest at Barton Moss to lend my support because of the deep concerns I have about environmental issues. If we sit back and allow fracking to happen in Salford and Manchester, any idea of a permaculture society will end with it. I am standing as an MP to draw attention to the debate because I believe fracking is unsafe technology and the damage it could do environmentally. Would be irreversible. The actions form police across many demonstrations mean that protesters are scared to show solidarity with the people who are trying to protect the site. They have made it impossible for people to protest safely. I strive to give these people a voice. If you are too scared to protest, you can demonstrate your concerns about fracking by voting for me. There is a fellow called Owen Paterson who is trying to rush genetically modified crops into Britain. The government have all been bought. They have been lobbied out of their minds. Not one of them has got any concern for the people they are representing or in fact the environment for that matter. All they are interested in is lining their pockets.