A recent report by The Federation Of Small Businesses interviewed 1,400 of its members to gain a clearer picture on energy for small businesses.  Worryingly the survey found that 81% of its members said that energy companies 'don't care about their needs'.  What's even more concerning is that two thirds believe it was too difficult for them to switch energy suppliers. So how can we change this? A large proportion said that there should be more competition within the market and additionally an easier method of sourcing the best deal. There seems to be a growing trend of concern as the general public also feel that there is a lack of transparency amongst the big six and many simply have no idea what they are paying for. There's no doubt that with more competition within the energy market would bring down prices leading to a much more equal system. Automatic renewals need to stop and bills must become more transparent whereby people know from top to toe exactly what they are paying for. Perhaps we will see substantial changes in the not so distant future whereby both businesses and consumer households could select their preferred energy supplier more wisely and with less hassle. My Electric Radiators are passionate about keeping you up to date with the latest news and mishaps on the UK energy scene. Additionally they also supply the very latest in technology energy efficient electric heating systems designed specifically to lower you energy consumption whilst also reducing your carbon footprint. Have a look at their fantastic range of energy efficient electric radiators or alternatively call 01423 881167 if you would prefer to speak to them via telephone.